About Product ( Aqua Roses | Bouquet )
Aqua Roses | Bouquet is uniquely designed. This Rose represents prosperity, wisdom, serenity, and harmony. Aqua Rose is used to signifying charm, the blossoms of aqua Rose are ideal for a lovely heartfelt bouquet for special events. Roses in aqua blue colour seem to be luxurious and elegant. This colour can be tough to find in Roses, however with the florists, you are lucky to have them sparkling and of high quality. An aqua blue Rose speaks of prosperity, wisdom, serenity, and peace.
Additional Information:
Aqua Rose, a pleasant beauty, exceptionally combines the sensuality and class of the queen of flowers. The Aqua bush is of medium height, its stems are even and strong enough. A unique characteristic of this range is the absence of thorns. Aqua Flower, a lovely traditional rose bud conquered many women’s hearts. Aqua roses are a classic floral gift. This shade is suitable for congratulations on almost any occasion. A statement of love, congratulations from a loved one, a wedding, or an anniversary, rose Aqua can enhance all the brightest moments of our existence with its beauty.
- 11 Blue Roses
- Flower Bucket
Bouquet Size:
We put our best attempts to catch the substance of the picture displayed here. However, if it’s not too much trouble, recollect that blossoms are a result of nature, they might fluctuate in variety, number, and size of sprouts.
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